
  • If a child has a temperature of 100.5 degrees or higher, the child will not be allowed to stay.  A child can return when they have been fever free without fever reducer for 48 hours. 

  • If a child has continuous nasal drainage they will not be allowed to stay.  They may return to camp after being symptom free for 48 hours. Parents can provide a note from their doctor if the drainage is caused by an allergy.

  • Diarrhea. If a camper has had two loose stools in a 24 hour period, they can not be in the camp. When they are symptom free for 48 hours they may return.

  • If a camper has vomited within a 24 hour period, the camper needs to be symptom free for 48 hours.

  • If a camper has any communicable disease like (but not limited to) strep throat; pink eye; head lice; skin rash they will not be allowed in camp.  When they are symptom free for 48 hours they are welcome to return to camp.

  • Masks are not mandatory but, campers are strongly encouraged to wear their own masks while in camp if they are at risk of complications from COVID-19.   

  • Our Health and Safety Guidelines will be strictly enforced to help insure the health and safety of everyone taking part in Summer Camp.